If you are looking for a way to enlarge your penis permanently, you are likely looking at surgery. But, how much does penis enlargement surgery cost?
Penis enlargement has become increasingly popular as men across the world want to have bigger penises. In light of this, plastic surgery has begun to serve this purpose and has developed new technologies in penile enlargement. As for now, this is still a newer procedure in the medical world and has not yet been accessible to everyone who may desire it. So, in this article, we are going to find out about penis enlargement surgery, how much it costs to have a bigger penis and all the details about it. In addition to the surgery method, we will be introducing other methods of penis enlargement.
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What is Penis Enlargement Surgery?

When we talk about the penis enlargement surgery, we mainly discuss the Penuma method. Penuma is a relatively new method in plastic surgery and it is usually for aesthetic purposes. This procedure is quite simple.
Penuma is both the method’s name and the name of the silicone used in this method. Your doctor will place the crescent-shaped medical silicone under your penile skin and your penis will look bigger and wider. As it is for commercial use, you can pick different sizes, ranging from large to extra-extra-large.
There are not many doctors who do this procedure and because of this, the surgery is a bit difficult to obtain.
Are There any Side Effects to Penis Enlargement Surgery?

Apart from the usual risks of every surgery, there are no permanent side effects. Some patients report that they have experienced pain during their erections in the first weeks. Additionally, a very rare minority of patients report loss of sensation in their penis for the first month. But, in addition, you have to be cautious in looking for infection post-operatively.
How Big Does Your Penis Get with Surgery?
Dr. James Elist, the inventor of the procedure, says that if you choose the large size, you will have about 1.5 inches added to your penis. The extra-large option adds about 2 inches while the extra-extra-large option can provide up to 2.5 inches. Yet, the doctor warns that you cannot choose any size you want and you’ll need to undergo extensive medical and psychological examination before being approved to go under the knife.
How Much Does Penis Enhancement Surgery Cost?

As this is a new procedure, it is still quite pricy. This is not a simple Botox procedure but a full-fledged operation. So, you need to be willing to pay 15 thousand dollars. In addition to that, you will need to pay a thousand dollars only to get your name on the waiting list. Under normal circumstances, you will not be staying overnight in the hospital. However, if there is any development of a complication, you may need to pay for the hospital, too.
Since this is an aesthetic surgery, it is highly doubtful that your health insurance will cover that. So, you will have to pay for the procedure yourself.
Are There any Cheaper Ways to Enhance Your Manhood?
Yes, there are cheaper options for enhancing the size of your penis. For a safe, natural means of penis enlargement, simply take a look around our site for tips and advice. But, be warned, there are many products out there claiming to give you a larger penis. None of these miracle-cures actually work, nor are they approved by the FDA.
Is Penis Enlargement Surgery Right for You?
By and large, penis enlargement surgery is a tried and true, scientifically proven means of adding inches to your penis. But, as with all surgeries, there are risks to your general health as well as infection, long-term problems and loss of penile sensation that may or may not be long-lasting. Additionally, penis enlargement surgery is quite expensive and not something that most insurance companies will cover. Therefore, start saving money if this is something you really want. Otherwise, look for our natural way of improving your penis size or simply love the penis you have.