You’d be lying to yourself if you say that you’ve never wanted to cum like those porn stars you see online. Every man in his teens and also at later stages desires to shoot out thick endless ropes. After all, it’s the end product of an Uber satisfying experience.
As a matter of fact, it is sometimes seen as a testimony to the level of satisfaction a guy experiences hence it can be a rather turn-on for the females.
Volume Pill is one such medicine that promises to give males the thick ropes they desire. Even though you’d end up with a million other products through a simple Google search, Volume Pill is in a league of its own. So what makes this pill so special? Why did we choose to do a full review article on this?
Read on, you’ll find out!
Table of Contents
What is Volume Pill?
Volume Pill is a dietary supplement and an aphrodisiac that aims to increase the production of seminal fluids and give you a more viscous and voluminous ejaculate.
It must not be confused with sex enhancement drugs even though it might be a welcome side effect. Volume Pill solely claims to enhance semen production and not the libido.
Is this yet another synthetic drug? What is this pill made of?
Nope. Volume Pill is made up with 100% natural ingredients, This naturally obtained formula helps you in more ways than you can imagine.
For starters, it works on your hormone levels and boosts your testosterone production with Dong Cong Xia Cao, zinc oxide, and Drilizen. This then subsequently helps you produce more seminal fluid, increasing the overall semen volume.
Additionally, it also contains ingredients like San Guo Mu and Hong Hua Fen which dilates your blood vessels and increases your sensitivity to stimuli. This further heightens your pleasure.
Some of the other ingredients in Volume Pills include:
- Cinnamon cassia
- L-arginine HCL
- Safflower
- Tribulus terrestris
- Bladderwrack
- Sea oak extract
- Curculigo extract
- Japanese tinder fungus
Do Volume Pills work?
Now, this answer is solely based on customer reviews. Even though a strict clinical trial is still underway, the testimony of thousands of customers worldwide has established the efficacy of this pill way beyond doubt.
Volume Pills Package Volume Pills
With one Google search, you’ll come across hundreds, if not thousands of reviews of people all across the globe. This comprises of all sections of the society irrespective of age or background.
Nevertheless, one must keep in mind that like every other medication, Volume Pill too has its rule book. It is advisable to consult a doctor if you’ve underlying medical conditions such as diabetes or chronic heart problems.
What are the benefits of consuming Volume Pills?
The pros of consuming Volume Pills are as follows:
Increased semen volume
The major purpose of this medicine is to boost the production of seminal fluids. This helps you in producing more semen and gives you a better orgasmic experience.
Increased viscosity of semen
With its unique herbal formula, it increases secretions of prostaglandin and helps in thickening the semen. Even though this does not lead to any direct benefit but the overall experience in sex increases drastically. As I mentioned, shooting thick white ropes is a dream to many males worldwide.
Heightened libido
With an increased level of testosterone, the libido gets a boost. This not only has a positive effect on sexual intercourse but also helps in nourishing the sex life of a person.
Increased duration of orgasm
With more semen to ejaculate each time, the duration of orgasm increases drastically. Even though not all men have witnessed this but a considerable section have reported this as a welcome side effect!
What are the side effects of this pill?
To date, not a single harmful side effect has been reported by the consumers of Volume Pill. One must note that this pill comes with a warning for people with diabetes and other underlying chronic medical conditions. So if these are taken care of, then anyone is good to give this a try.
How much are these pills for?
The cost of a pill that gives you endless sexual pleasure for life? Priceless! Just kidding.
These pills are sold for various subscription prices. I’d recommend going for the 3-month pack. In the rare case where you’re left unsatisfied, you have the option of asking for a refund!
The packages online right now, are as follows:
- 1-month supply: $66
- 2-month supply: $111
- 3-month supply: $161
- 6-month supply: $251
- 12-month supply: $349
Would you recommend the consumption of Volume Pill?
I surely would. Volume Pill is one of the rare finds which come with nill side effects and brings with it a buffet of benefits.
If you ask me, then as a reviewer I would advise you to first assess yourself. Ask yourself, are you happy with your ejaculate? Would you desire it to be thicker? Do you think it is decreasing or losing its color with time? If your answer to these questions is a resounding YES, then yea go for this.
If you’re in doubt, go for a bit of professional advice from a doctor but otherwise, Volume Pill should do the job for you 🙂