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Swallowing cum: How-To, & Best Tips

Giving a great blowjob is not an easy task, but it can make your partner, your lover, and even yourself feel very satisfied.

But what about that happy ending? There are people who have no problem swallowing cum, but it’s not for everyone.

In this article, we’ll discuss tips for swallowing cum, why you should go for it, and even discuss how to give a mind-blowing orgasm to that special someone.

So you want to learn how to swallow sperm

You might encounter several issues when trying to swallow sperm. Taste is often a problem, as is gagging.

Don’t worry, we have solutions for these problems!

Taste and smell

Sometimes cum simply doesn’t taste good. Sometimes it’s outright disgusting. It can also smell wrong, and make you decide to spit instead.

This issue is mostly related to your significant other’s eating habits, believe it or not!

  • Ask your lover to stay hydrated. Since semen is composed mostly of water, making sure to drink lots of it every day will make its smell less pungent.
  • Fill your fridge with yummy fruits. Pineapples and melons are good options, as well as high-fructose alternatives such as strawberries, kiwis, blackberries and even plums. This will eventually turn their sperm sweeter, but don’t expect it to happen all at once. He’ll have to eat them regularly and give his body time to adapt to his new diet.
  • Add ingredients rich in chlorophyll to your dishes. Celery, parsley and cilantro will not oly make your food taste better, but improve the smell of your partner’s sperm.
  • Keep the smoking and drinking to a minimum. Both can be detrimental to his health, but they’ll also affect the way his sperm tastes. Tobacco and alcohol will turn his cum bitter and acidic, and may even lead to erectile dysfunction in the long run.
  • Limit his consumption of red meat: Surprisingly, eating too much of it may turn his semen saltier, and unpleasant. Too much dairy or garlic can create a similar effect. It’s better to avoid them altogether at least a few hours before you go down on him.

Try Load Boost Today

Load Boost is a carefully formulated blend of high-quality, natural active ingredients including Pygeum, Zinc, Lecithin, Bromelain, L-Arginine, and other scientifically-backed ingredients for sex.

Not only is it formulated to increase semen volume, improve semen taste, and make orgasms feel better, it’s also packed with ingredients that improve prostate health and function.


Your gag reflex can be your own worst enemy. This isn’t only true when swallowing cum, but also when deep-throating his erection.

So, how to solve this issue? Let’s begin before that happy ending, while you’re giving him head.

If you have a small mouth or an overactive gag reflex, there are a few pointers you should take to avoid making giving a blowjob an unpleasant experience:

  • Remember to breathe: It might sound obvious, but most of the time, your gag reflex is activated when you’re not breathing right. Don’t try to do it through your mouth, but rather from your nose, and if you ever feel like you’re choking up, you can always pause for a moment before dipping your head back in.
  • Adjust your technique: Making sure his erection remains wet and slippery will make it easier on you! Also, remember to exhale when you’re going down, as it’ll help you relax your throat and not struggle to breath in while he’s deep inside you.
  •  Take it slow: It doesn’t have to happen all at once. You can take your time, enjoy the ride and take him in inch after inch. Be patient with yourself! After all, if you get anxious or overly-eager, you are more likely to end up gagging!
  • Practice makes perfect: With enough time, you’ll be able to eliminate that nasty gag reflex. You can use your fingers or a toothbrush when he’s not around to test your limits and improve your skills.

Now that you’ve tried perfecting your deep-throating techniques, swallowing his cum might come easier. But maybe the taste and smell, or even its texture, might make you gag anyways.

So, how to swallow sperm when that happens? A great advice is to try and take him deep inside your mouth when he’s about to explode. That way, the sperm won’t reach your tongue’s taste buds and you can just gulp it down with ease.

Swallowing cum: An acquired taste

This may sound crazy, but even if he doesn’t change his diet, you can still learn to love the taste of his cum.

How? It happens all the time when people taste something that they haven’t experienced before. Think about beer, wine or even sushi. More likely than not, you didn’t enjoy most of those flavours the first time you drank or ate them. But after tasting them again and again, you’ve come to enjoy and even crave them.

This can happen with the taste of his cum too! Give yourself some time, and if you can avoid gagging while doing it, try keeping it in your mouth for a while. Savor it before gulping it down. At first it might not be pleasant at all, but in time, you might grow to ache for that special flavor!

If this doesn’t work after a while, though, it’s ok as well! Make sure to communicate with your partner and let him know how you’re feeling. You should try to swallow it all in a single gulp if this is the case.

And if none of these techniques work, don’t worry. Seeing you swallow his sperm probably arouses your significant other, but that doesn’t mean you’re forced to do it. Let him know how you feel and show him how hard you tried to get yourself used to his taste. If it doesn’t work for you, he’ll still enjoy the experience and you can find alternatives to please him. 

Common Questions on swallowing cum

What exactly is sperm?

It’s a mixture between two different components: the actual spermatozoa, which is a viscous substance, and the fluid, known as seminal plasma.

This means that more than 80% of what you’ll swallow is made out of water! The actual sperm are reproductive cells that carry your partner’s genetic information.

Other components found in cum include: glucose, sodium, citrate, calcium, lactic acid, magnesium and potassium.. These are found in small traces in each ejaculation.

Is it actually safe to swallow his cum?

You’ll digest the sperm the same way you do any other liquid or food you swallow, so yes!

There are rare cases in which people are allergic to semen, be mindful of this fact if you experience rashes or shortness of breath afterwards.

It’s important, though, to note that STDs -such as gonorrehea, syphilis and even AIDS- can be contracted through oral sex, so if you don’t know your lover’s sexual past, it would be safer to wear a condom.

How many calories does sperm have?

Don’t worry, you won’t be breaking your diet if you swallow his cum! Each ejaculation carries no more than seven calories, less than taking a bite off an apple.

Is it really a stress-reliever?

It might be, but you’d have to swallow a whole lot to make it work. Oxytocin, prolactin, serotonin, progesterone and vitamin C are found in semen, and all of these elements have been known to be mood boosters.

Since each ejaculation usually equates to one teaspoon, it might not be enough to actually have any beneficial side effects, other than being highly arousing for both you and your partner.

Try Load Boost Today

Load Boost is a carefully formulated blend of high-quality, natural active ingredients including Pygeum, Zinc, Lecithin, Bromelain, L-Arginine, and other scientifically-backed ingredients for sex.

Not only is it formulated to increase semen volume, improve semen taste, and make orgasms feel better, it’s also packed with ingredients that improve prostate health and function.