Home » Sex Tips » What is Dick cheese? Is it any good for you?

What is Dick cheese? Is it any good for you?

Many of us who are regular members of reddit are pretty familiar with this rather uncanny term. Bhen you first hear the phrase “Dick Cheese”, I’m pretty sure you cringed in disgust! Ewieee…. Isn’t it?

As a matter of fact, even the formal scientific terminology for Dick Cheese: Smegma, sounds equally disgusting!

But what exactly is this mysterious substance? Is it any good? Does it have health benefits or does it harm your body? Let’s find out in this article!

What is Smegma or Dick Cheese?

Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with the cheese you put in your sandwich every morning. Dick cheese or Smegma is the whitish cheesy substance that accumulates in the foreskin of a guy’s penis, just below the head. Even though every guy is prone to it, the circumcised ones have a higher chance of accumulating it around their manhood.

Why does Dick cheese form?

Funnily enough the word “smegma” means “cleansing soap” in greek. This is not only ironic but makes the whole experience of buying soap in Greece hilarious af! Anyway, dick cheese or smegma forms due to the accumulation of dead epidermal skin cells. With the help of oil from the sebaceous glands, these cells stick to each other to form that cheesy deposit underside the head.

Brian Steixner, a renowned sexual health expert considers dick cheese as a…

“a healthy, sterile concentration of cells that have come off of the inside of the foreskin, as well as a small amount of glandular secretion that comes out of small glands on the foreskin.”

How common is smegma?

Contrary to what you might think, smegma is very common in both sexes; males and females. It is just a natural procedure for the body. The secretions occur in both gender hence it is obvious that the skin cells will form aggregates and lead to the formation of dick cheese.

But, with regular cleaning, this can be avoided. People who shower and clean their pubes carefully have a lesser buildup of smegma.

However, the occurrence of smegma or dick cheese is higher in circumcised males than uncircumcised ones. This is due to the cleft-like region that is found under the circumcised head.

Are there any pros or cons to keeping dick cheese?

You must be out of your mind to even think linking a pro to dick cheese…

Dick cheese is an excess accumulation of your body’s oily discarded cells. If there is anything that needs to be done with this, it is removing! The oily nutritious gunk is not only a haven for innumerable microbes but is also a long way ticket to the clinic of a dermatologist.

According to the forensic sexologist and counselor Eric Garrison,

“The combination of dead skin cells and bacteria cannot only lead to an unsightly (and foul-smelling/tasting) collection of cells. But if kept unattended… it can also cause skin irritations and breaks in the skin that could facilitate a sexually transmissible infection”

In many cases, people with poor hygienic habits tend to accumulate dick cheese for months. These then harden and cause the foreskin to be red and sensitive leading to a condition called balanitis. This only worsens from this stage hence immediate care must be taken to go to a dermatologist.

Some reports even point out carcinogenic evidence of dick cheese saying that it might be linked to testicular cancer. I feel it is more of a hygiene-related concern as the formation of dick cheese indicates an infectious environment leading to a host of other problems.

How to keep away from Dick Cheese?

To be fairly honest, Dick cheese is not gonna leave your attractive body!

You can only lessen its chances by maintaining a healthy hygienic routine for yourself.

Here are some tips you better your game:

  • Use pH-friendly soaps to clean your junk once every 2-3 days.
  • Use scrub or exfoliator once a week around your pubic region; including your ball sack, shaft, and between your thighs.
  • Change your underwear every day and always wear a fresh one irrespective of the level of usage.
  • Keep a separate pair of undies for physical activities such as working out or any other sweaty activities and wash them with extra care.
  • Don’t wear moist underwear or put on dry ones without drying your privates.

The Final Word?

Dick cheese is gross. There are no two ways about it. So go in the washroom and clean your junk before you see yourself becoming a case study for medical students! It is not only a health hazard but also extremely unpleasing in sexual encounters. Imagine a smelly gooey ring around your dick while you’re in the act of oral on your partner’s face, seductive enough? Nah… So go and wash it off haha!

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