Home » Dating Tips for Men » Language of Desire: A Review from a woman’s perspective

Language of Desire: A Review from a woman’s perspective

Irrespective of how the girl looks, there have been several occasions when she has not been successful in scoring the guy she was craving for. That leads us to question if it is at all about the pretty face or was it something else that played in the background. If you study several cases, you will realize, it’s more about words than about looks.

Language of Desire attacks just that. It aims to build up the vocabulary of the user by giving her the tips and tricks to have a sexual and romantic conversation while boosting up her confidence so that she can use it whenever and wherever she wants.

But is it worth the hype? We’ll explore this in this review. We’ll go through what exactly this book entails by giving you an overview of the contents along with the pros and cons of buying this program. So buckle up and get ready for a detailed unbiased review of this bestseller.

What is Language of Desire?

With a tagline of “dirty words to make him yours”, Language of Desire is a comprehensive guidebook on how to do the “dirty talk”. Well, it actually teaches you how to be sexual with your words, without being too explicit or obvious.

To me, that already sounds like a selling deal as that is THE trick which everyone must know. If you can get your partner horny just with your words, you have the power over that relationship. Its as simple as that.

Language of Desire promises exactly that. With its detailed coursework presented in an easy-to-understand format it gives you the essential elements to talk in a sexual manner and keep the temperature rising to give your relationship the added spice!

Penned down by Felicity Keith, this book has already been a huge hit in the western hemisphere. With 3 top selling books under her name Felicity is surely making her mark as a Love and Relationship Expert!

What exactly does this book contain?

I wouldn’t go into the depths of divulging the book’s secrets but I’ll surely give you a brief overview. The basic elements of the book can be dissected into a few broad categories:

  • A chapter on how to be confident
    This chapter isn’t just another gimmick that helps you to “fake it till you make it”. Rather it teaches you how to address your shyness and be confident in real life.

  • The essentials of sensual talking
    In a bunch of chapters, she addresses the vocabulary needed for having a sensual and romantic conversation. As you’d guess, it is surely different from “hey come l*ck my Vaggy…!”. Therefore, you’ll not only be able to be more tasteful but would also know when to use what lines/words after going through this lesson.

  • The essentials of auditory stimulus
    I can’t stress this enough, most women don’t even realise how incredibly powerful the voice of a lady is. It also teaches you the famous Madonna Moan; an incredibly sensuous way of moaning which will soon be a natural instinctive way of expressing yourself in bed once you read this course.

  • Being a good listener
    Yes. You read it right. We, women, have a very bad habit of talking and waiting to reply. We seldom sit down and listen to the man speak himself. This book teaches you how to be a good listener. And no, I don’t mean those internet tricks where you just pretend to listen by nodding your head. This course teaches you how to be attentive and actually make a man feel good about himself. As sex is always a two-way traffic. You’ll feel the best, only if he does.

What are the positive aspects of this sensual ebook?

There are quite of few positive factors which came to my mind while reviewing this ebook. The most important ones are as follows:

  • Very practical and concise
    When Keith was writing this book, I’m sure she had a sticky note on her desk which said “No mumbo-jumbo”.
    This book addresses all the points in a clear cut concise manner without mincing any words. I was rather surprised when I saw Pavlov’s erection technique being explained in such an easy manner (and yep, it worked on my partner *wink*)
    This makes it not only highly accessible to the common folks but also saves a lot of time by cutting down on unnecessary jargon.

  • Interactive nature of the program
    Rarely have I seen a program that is as interactive and fun to go through as this one. With a rich and diverse set of worksheets and exercises, this program ensures that you get all the points drilled into your subconsciousness before keeping them down.

  • Based on real-life settings
    Every single tip and lesson in this book provides a real-life scenario where it could be applied. This not only helps you in identifying a real situation but also helps you assess your own self by evaluating how exactly you’d have performed in that case.

  • 60-days Money-back guaranty
    Keith promises to return your money if you’re unsatisfied with the coursework. How cool is that?
    The fact that she is confident that you’ll benefit from this course enough to not ask for a refund is in itself a huge feat for a business of this scale!
Click Here for the Official Site.

What are the cons of this ebook?

The fact that this is an ebook has its own pros and cons. The major con is that you’d always need an electronic device to access its contents unless ofcourse, you print out a pdf! It would have been really helpful to see a hardcopy version for the oldschool readers amongst us.

Otherwise, another negative thing I feel is that this book isn’t really for everyone. The language, even though quite simple, is mostly for the millennium generation. This has been probably done keeping the younger generation in mind. However, it could have been a Lil toned down to make it more relatable amongst the 90s and 80s ladies in here *wink wink*.

Nevertheless, this isn’t really a huge issue and you can still sail through if you’re okay with a few linguistic twists here n there!

Would you recommend it?

You’re asking me if I would recommend a course that promises to teach you the essentials of dirty texting while ramping up your confidence and personality traits, all the while guaranteeing you a 60 day money-back promise?? Heck yes!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone here. Give it a shot. If you don’t like it, you’ve 2 months to ask for the money back. Sounds like a fair deal to me.

Click Here for the Official Site.